
Suite aux incidents rencontrés sur le site en raison d'une panne de serveur, les offres Japan Expo et Flip sont prolongées jusqu'à la fin juillet.

Suite aux incidents rencontrés sur le site en raison d'une panne de serveur, les offres Japan Expo et Flip sont prolongées jusqu'à la fin juillet.

Suite aux incidents rencontrés sur le site en raison d'une panne de serveur, les offres Japan Expo et Flip sont prolongées jusqu'à la fin juillet.

On the cover

"Amidst new releases, emerging trends, and reflections on the cultural impact of games, there is always something new to discover."




Express News : 10/01/2024

We have received the majority of the parts for OLEM, mainly the electronics. There are only a few components left before assembly.

Express News : 20/02/24

A big package for the team! The boxes and the complete game materials have finally arrived. We are finally discovering the final elements, what a pleasure! We are now waiting for the rest of the complete batch of the first 1000 packs. We are finally discovering the final elements, what a pleasure!

Express News : 18/03/24

Reception of OLEM’s omnidirectional wheels.

Express News : 19/03/24

A significant portion of the parts has arrived at the assembler, and we have begun forming teams for the robot assembly. Only a few pieces are left before we can start!



Immerse yourself in the olem gaming experience The interactive and innovative board game robot.
Immerse yourself in the olem gaming experience The interactive and innovative board game robot.



Express News : 10/01/2024

We have received the majority of the parts for OLEM, mainly the electronics. There are only a few components left before assembly.

Express News : 20/02/24

A big package for the team! The boxes and the complete game materials have finally arrived. We are finally discovering the final elements, what a pleasure! We are now waiting for the rest of the complete batch of the first 1000 packs. We are finally discovering the final elements, what a pleasure!

Express News : 18/03/24

Reception of OLEM's omnidirectional wheels.

Express News : 19/03/24

A significant portion of the parts has arrived at the assembler, and we have begun forming teams for the robot assembly. Only a few pieces are left before we can start!
Immerse yourself in the olem gaming experience The interactive and innovative board game robot.